Nearly there …

Well its been the weirdest of years by anyone’s imagination, I think we can all agree. I’m very aware that for some people the last few months have meant considerable pain, anguish and even loss. For the rest of us who haven’t been quite so unlucky its really been a most surreal period. In some respects 2020 has been a fascinating time to be alive, while at the same time a scary and frustrating too.

Till recent weeks we were really blessed with the most glorious weather which gave me ample opportunity to get out and about and stay fit and active, so vital when the walls seemed to be closing in around us. At the beginning of June with another phase of the lockdown I finally managed to get into the water and have my first swim since February. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how I was able to manage a 1000 m swim given the layoff. My technique and fitness hadn’t completely let me given the forced layoff. I managed to get 3 swims in that first week of June. One of the swims was on a particularly calm day when the water at Seapoint was pan flat. I just love when outdoor swimming conditions resemble a pool. It was a joy to swim like that after so long and it gave me confidence to stretch myself and complete 1000m unbroken which I was delighted to be able to accomplish.

Sadly the weather broke down in the following days and I have only managed one more swim in the interim. The pools still seem to be closed so I am banking on the weather forecast being good later this week and next to get a few more swim metres under my belt ahead of a possible triathlon season commencement in a few weeks time.

I say that with baited breath as the triathlon season has been very much obliterated for obvious reasons. There is a skeleton events calendar on the Triathlon ireland website and I have earmarked 6 races which I may potentially compete in but its anyone’s guess as to whether they will even go ahead. It would be nice to compete in a couple of races simply to provide a change of context, given all my exercising in recent months has been purely training, with no actual goal in mind other than to stay fit.

At the weekend I met up with a couple of work mates and we ran intervals in the Phoenix Park. I have changed up my run training in recent weeks, opting for variety rather than performing the same session every time. I am now doing a mix of interval sessions and long slow runs which a friend of mine who has completed 10 marathons will help prevent injuries occurring. It works for him, so I hope it works for me too 🙂

That aside I have little news, except to say my Happy Habit Podcast is gathering momentum. Its essentially a look at science, health and wellbeing. Feel free to check it out via the link :